Parnassus on Wheels

 “When you sell a man a book you don’t sell him just twelve ounces of paper and ink and glue - you sell him a whole new life. Love and friendship and humour and ships at sea by night - there’s all heaven and earth in a book, a real book I mean.”- from Parnassus on Wheels
It's about time that I tell you about a little book that is one of my favorites - Parnassus on Wheels by Christopher Morley, pub. 1917.  It is related to the name of my blog. It's not a heavy, deep book.  Rather, it's a lovely, sometimes humorous read with lots of book titles involved.  What's not to like?  I've read it a few times and it brings me a little bit of joy each time. Any book about a mobile bookseller from the early 20th century will have my interest. (Jan and Gary Bloom, anyone?)

To read the dust jacket, one might conclude that Roger Mifflin is the main character.  He is a well-read bachelor who roams the country in his book wagon, Parnassus, seeking to enlighten all he can convince with his selection of great literature. But right away we meet the self-deprecating Helen McGill, spinster and caretaker of her famous country author-brother, Andrew. She leaves the farm and sets out on a series of adventures, sometimes with and sometimes without Roger. My edition is the Book Club edition.  It has an introductory section titled "Certain Essential Preliminary Footnotage" by John T. Winterich"  - don't miss it.

Did you know that the first full-fledged bookmobile was started in Hibbing, MN in 1915?  I didn't, until my friend Sandy sent me The Horn Book Magazine with an article about mobile booksellers (and how Parnassus on Wheels was an inspiration).  You can read the article, "Treasure Island by the Roadside", here!

Now,  just when you thought I wasn't going to tie any of this (besides books in general) to Charlotte Mason...a connection has been uncovered! My friend Kerri, a mobile bookseller herself of sorts, found this gem in the archives from a 1921 Parents' Review book review:

Parnassus on Wheels, by Christopher Morley. Here we have a most racy tale of "the most godly diversion known to man,-selling books." A man who loves books and knows a book when he sees it sets up 'Parnassus' which is a van containing many books and many comforts for the natural man and very naturally drawn by 'Pegasus.' He meets 'Helen McGill' the sister of a popular author who tries to keep farm and home togehter while her brother makes books. He sells his van to her and goes a trial run with her that she may learn the trade. Of course they marry. "What I say is, who has ever gone into highroads and hedges to bring literature to the plain man, to bring it home to his business and bosom? The farther into the country you go the fewer and worse books you find...It's a great work, mind you, it is like carrying the Holy Grail to some of these wayback farm houses." Here Mr. Mifflin gives us the motif of Parnassus on Wheels.

I may or may not have shouted with glee when she sent this to me.   Some of you will understand.

Hopefully,  I have mentioned a new book for your enjoyment!



Extra goodness:

A modern day Parnassus on Wheels!

Librovox audio of Parnassus on Wheels!

Parnassus on Wheels has a sequel - The Haunted Bookshop which is great fun, too!


  1. Always fun to read your posts! Thanks for the tip. 😊

  2. I have this on kindle. It made me chuckle. The action of the story, in my mind's eye, played itself out like a black & white 1930's movie - complete with slap-stick. I knew little about the plot before I started reading and so was surprised by the proposal of marriage and yet not too surprised since the story was leading up to it. We need to be reminded of the message of "Parnassus on Wheels" -in your quote- more than ever now. Thank you Nancy. I say this because of what some deem "recommended viewing" on television today.

    1. Yes! What a great, family-friendly movie this would be! Thank you for stopping by and commenting, Karen.

  3. Wonderful! Some of my favourite childhood memories include sitting in our local bookmobile, which stopped by our nearby park every two weeks. I would read all I could sitting on the two steps which led to the back, upper portion; we were limited to 5 books, so I "had" to read a sixth, right then and there. Or at least, read the first chapter of several so I could decide which to borrow this time. But most often, I just sat and read, with my chosen pile protected by my side.

    1. That is a charming memory! A photo of that would be so precious. Thanks for sharing that bit of your life with us.

  4. I've loved both these titles ever since finding you! :) Thanks for reminding me of them...a good reread choice. :)

    1. Yes, a good reread choice! Few books fall into that category. Thanks, Amy!

  5. I checked this out as an audiobook when you first published the blog post. What a delightful story! It was funny, full of great quotables about books and education, had great characters, and was just a whole lot of fun. This is a fairly slim volume, and it was so good that I stayed up late to finish it that very night. Thanks for the recommendation.

    1. Sarah, in turn, recommended me this book, and I too got the audio. It was a charming read.

    2. So fun to spread a little joy to friends far and near! I will have to try the audio on my next trip!

  6. I just found this book!! I was at used bookstore I hadn't visited since childhood and there it was. Something sparked a memory because I knew I had read this blog... now I'm sitting in my hotel room getting ready to celebrate my grandma's 95th birthday tomorrow (yes 95!) and thrilled to discover that I did in fact find the book I thought I had found. Thank you Nancy!

    1. It's always a bit of a thrill to score that book that you "think" you read about - and then to find out that "yes!", this was it! I hope you had a grand birthday celebration with your precious grandmother, Lynne.
