Basket Weaving Mouse

A Nest for Celeste - A Story about Art, Inspiration, and the Meaning of Home by Henry Cole

I just finished reading this charming book to Cheney (dd 7) and wanted to recommend it to you.  It has a lot going for it.  To begin with, it's about a mouse. ( I love children's books about mice - more to come!)   It's also this funky, chunky size that feels like you're reading a serious tome.  (How it feels in your hands is important - right?)  Not only that, but Celeste is a basket weaving mouse - an artist.

It's based around a real visit John James Audobon made to New Orleans in 1821.  Celeste befriends Audobon's apprentice, Joseph, and together they have all sorts of adventures, much of it having to do with Audobon's painting and drawing practices. Most importantly, though, was that it kept Cheney thinking.  After we finished our requisite 2-chapters-before-bed reading, if I waited a few moments, she would always have a question to ask or something to think about.  I like that in a book.

Here is a sneak peek for you: A Nest for Celeste preview


  1. Oh we loved this book! It sparked a study of Audubon and birds! I also just loved the illustrations and fancier paper the publisher used. Five stars in my opinion!

  2. Musicalmary, then I need to add it to our books we want to read. I snatched a huge Audubon book with his paintings for a dollar at one of the public library sales in my area. The girls enjoyed the short biography about him we read in Stories from Great Americans for Little Americans by Eggleton, I believe I spelled it right.

  3. OH, I've got to find this! We studied Audubon this year, too. Love his work as a naturalist.

  4. We are reading this too! We had read an Audobon picture book and then I remembered this one (the author visited our library last year). We are about 5 chapters in. Looking forward to more!

  5. That looks so cute! I'm definitely going to look for it.

    Peace and Laughter,

  6. I just want one of those........making a tiny basket !

  7. We, too, loved this book. My DD and I partner read it together (alternating chapters) and it was THE book that inspired her to read more 'indepth' books. :)

  8. going to have to look for this one! We are in need of more good books around here to keep the voraciuos little reader in stories :)

    Bobby Jo

  9. Thanks for sharing! I can't believe that I haven't read this book since I love birds + New Orleans (lived there for 2 years) + Henry Cole. I happen to be compiling a list of great children's books about birds right now for my blog and will have to take a look at this one.
