Cooperating and Conferences

Flowers blooming this week - finally!

All our teaching of children should be given reverently, with the humble sense that we are invited in the matter to co-operate with the Holy Spirit.  -Mason, Vol. 2 p. 48
I love this reminder from Mason.  In all of my busyness this week, in all of the joy and sorrow around me, God's presence has been clear.  This one thing has been on my mind.  Mason's quote reminds me where it all comes from and affects so much of what I say and do.  When it comes to teaching my precious children, knowing that the Holy Spirit does the work is a humbling and joyful thought.

So very fragrant lily of the valley - Convallaria majalis

In a little over a week, I fly to NC for the ChildLight USA conference  Bonnie has written a great post and reflects my sentiments about why it's a great place to be.  Are you going?  Leave me a note in the comments if you are - I look forward to meeting and seeing friends, old and new.  I will be sharing a few times.  First, I am presenting with Sandy and Tammy in "CM Foundations:  A Paradigm Shift".  This should be a great beginning session for those new to the conference and the Mason method.

bleeding hearts - Lamprocapnos spectabilis

Second - and I'm really excited about this one - I will be leading a three-hour immersion group simulating our multi-age homeschool.  Apart from inviting you into my home and having you watch one of our school days, this will be  the closest thing to showing you "this is how we do it".
lilacs - Syringa
Thirdly is my talk on Mason and citizenship.  Find out why a) Plutarch is so important and then b) why citizenship in a Mason education is so much more than Plutarch!  I believe there's a fireside chat included in there as well as mealtimes.  I've met so many kindred spirits that have enriched my life just by chatting with the stranger next to me at a meal.

Enjoy the flower photos!  These were all taken this past week in our yard.  Spring has sprung!


  1. Can't wait. You will be arriving into a sauna ~~ hot weather! Maybe you will bring those northern cool breezes with you. I teach Plutarch next year ~~ high school.

  2. This conference sounds great! I wish we lived closer! I would love to be involved in the immersion group!

  3. I say the same as plantinglittleseeds, I wish I could be in that immersion group and all your lectures.
    I wish you luck and an enriching time.

  4. I will be there! Looking forward to your sharing. I'm friends with Cheri and will look to say hello.
